Named Sarah Lee.
Not to be confused with the Sara Lee cake brand. Like, seriously.

Existed as of 8 Feb '92.
Is residing in Singapore,
& doesn't intend to live anywhere else.

Officially graduated from BPGHS;
now posted to YJC.

Adores figure skater Mao Asada,
Kaori Yuki's twisted mangas, and yes,
Sara Lee chocolate pound cake.


Hollywood on Ice

4L1 @ S'pore Botanical Gardens

BPGHS Choir Concert - Songwaves

BPGHS Graduation Day

BPGHS Prom @ Raffles Town Club

EOY Cosplay 2008 @ S'pore Expo

S'pore Flyer trip

Pre U Seminar 2009


4L1 '08
BP Fencing Club

Amanda :: Demas :: Farah
Hannah :: Hazel :: Hazrina
Janice :: Jasmine :: Jazlyn
Jiale :: Jia Xuan :: Liyana
Maryam :: Melvyn :: Nabilah
Nurliyana :: Sabrina :: Shairah
Shu Ying :: Sim Yee :: Soh Won
Xiang Ling :: Yi Jia :: Yu Shang

{{ Sarah's GP Journal}}



[Previous blog]

January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009


Raffles City advert from today

Friday 28 March 2008

Am doing this to take my mind off certain things. From Geelyn's blog. (:


[ ] You own over 10 bottles of nailpolish
[ ] You own a designer purse
[ ] You own perfume that cost over $60
[ ] You had/have fake nails
[ ] You have more hair/body products than you can use
[ ] Your pet is a chihuahua/Pomeranian/Yorkshire/Terrier/Siamese/shih-tzu
[ ] You have clothes/shoes/accessories for your pet
[ ] You have enough clothes to cover an entire refugee camp.
[x] You have enough pictures to create your own wallpaper. (pictures of what exactly?)
[ ] A pink comforter, carpeting, walls or sheets.

Total: 1


[ ] Spend more time at the mall than you do at home/work
[ ] Have a hair color that is not your natural color
[ ] Have "blonde moments" at least once a day
[ ] Buy stuff because it's awesome and then never wear it/use it
[x] Constantly keep your phone at your side
[ ] Dance around in your room when nobody else is home
[ ] Have a name for your car
[ ] Know what celebrity is dating who and who broke up this week
[ ] Refuse to go out in public without makeup
[ ] Prefer to be called "princess"

Total So Far: 2


[ ] Make up
[x] Jewellery
[x] Mirrors
[ ] Chick flicks
[x] Shoes
[ ] Rainbows
[ ] Unicorns
[ ] Disney Movies
[ ] Candles
[x] Flowers
[x] Stuffed Animals
[ ] Purses

Total So Far: 7


[ ] Coach
[ ] Forever 21
[ ] Victoria's Secret
[ ] Guess
[ ] Claire's
[ ] Express
[ ] Delias
[ ] MAC
[ ] Sephora
[ ] Bebe

Total So Far: 7


[x] Biatch
[x] Whatever
[x] Oh my gosh/god/goodness
[ ] Hun
[ ] Fugly
[ ] That's hot
[ ] Dunzo
[ ] Darlin'
[ ] Psh
[ ] Cutie
[ ] Hottie
[ ] Skank
[ ] Totally
[ ] For Sure
[ ] Fabulous

Total So Far: 10


[ ] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Marie Claire
[ ] Elle Girl
[ ] Teen Vogue
[ ] People
[ ] Us Weekly
[ ] Star
[ ] Self
[ ] PerezHilton.com
[ ] Dlisted.com
[ ] 17online.com
[ ] people.com
[ ] usmagazine.com
[ ] popsugar.com
[ ] livejournal.com/community/ohnotheydidnt
[ ] Pink Is The New Blog.com
[ ] cleo

Total So Far: 10


[x] Legally Blonde
[ ] Elizabethtown
[x] Mean Girls
[ ] Now & Then
[ ] The Notebook
[ ] A Walk to Remember
[ ] Sweet Home Alabama
[ ] Where the Heart is
[x] Just my luck
[ ] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] Centerstage
[x] Bring it On
[ ] How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
[ ] Mona Lisa Smile
[ ] My Girl

Total So Far: 14


[ ] LOST
[ ] America's Next Top Model
[x] Project Runway
[ ] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple Life
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[ ] Sex & the City
[ ] Grey's Anatomy
[ ] The O.C.
[ ] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
[ ] Gilmore Girls

Total So Far: 15

15 X 2 = 30

I am 30% BARBIE! (Less than Geelyn. Unbelievable.)


1. Song playing at the moment? Born to Try by Delta Goodrem.

2. Reasons for living? Because it'd be a sin to commit suicide. Oh, and because I wouldn't want to leave all the great people I know.

3. Do you think you're okay? Not at the moment.

4. Ever donated blood? I will when I am of legal age to do so.

5. Favorite colour(s)? Pink. Azure. White. Occasionally lavender.

6. Accessories you usually wear? Nil. I will, though, on CNY and Hari Raya.

7. One song to describe a heartbreak in the past? This has yet to be.

8. Last place you went to? School. I love school. More than home, anyway.

9. Last person you went out with? I can't recall.

10. The most exciting sport? Fencing. I was on edge during Xue Yun's and Elvina's match. (:

11. Ever had a baby? Are you kidding me?

12. Movies you want to watch? Prince Caspian and August Rush. <3

13. Any piercings? Only for earrings.

14. The most romantic gift? A vow of everlasting commitment and faithfulness. Not that it exists in real life. Well, maybe it does, but it's rare.

15. Act on stage before? Yes.

16. Struck by lightning before? No.

17. Danced with your loved ones before? Perhaps.

18. Ever wished you could turn back time? Most definitely.

19. What would you do if you woke up one day to find yourself to be with someone from the opposite sex? That someone is going to be dead soon.

20. One song that's meaningful to you? Kiss/Heartbreak Hotel duet performed by Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman.

21. Missing whoever now? Geelyn, Hazel, Haz, other people in school that I love.

22. What will you be doing tomorrow? Going for flag day.

23. Ever thought of robbing a bank? Like hell no.

24. One thing you totally regret doing/done? It's something personal.

25. Do people like you? Ask them.

26. What was the last game you played on the computer? I don't play anything in my computer. Just my NDS. (:

27. Someone who means a lot to you at the moment? So many people... (:

28. The colour of your bed? Erm, pink. ^^;;

29. Do you hate someone at the moment? Yeah. I've been hating this person for the past 8 years of my life.

30. What do you wish to happen now? To receive an sms. Or for someone to say something to me on msn.

31. Last time you ate pizza? I can't recall.

32. Ever been given a ring? Yes. Not from a boy though.

33. Do people think you're weird? Highly likely.

34. Movies now showing that you hate? Nothing.

35. Most important thing in your room? Quite a number of things inmy room are of grave importance to me.

36. Last movie watched? The Fountain. I didn't get the story much.

37. Last television show watched? Project Runway.

38. Who is the person you want to see right now? Geelyn.

39. Ever called a person useless? Don't think so.

40. Are you good at hiding your feelings? If I try hard enough, then yes.


ONE- what you wearing now: White tee and shorts.
TWO- where you going later: City Hall. Don't ask.
THREE- who you missing at the moment: A lot of people. Even someone I'm currently unhappy with.
FOUR- what you stress about this days: Sometimes my studies. Most of the time it's something else.
FIVE- who's the last person you chat with: Hazel. On msn. (:
SIX- what makes you happy when you're down: Cadbury.
SEVEN- do you wanna get into a r/s now: I like the answer Geelyn put for this.
EIGHT- have you got a crush on someone: Have you got any sense at all?
NINE- ever have a near death experience: No.
TEN- what's the time now: Check the nearest clock.
ELEVEN- met anyone earlier on: ...my mum.
TWELVE- what did you do just now: Did online assignments.
THIRTEEN- what's your favourite show: D.Gray-Man and Project Runway.
FOURTEEN- what language do you speak: English, Malay, and very simple Chinese.
FIFTEEN- what you hate: If I were to list down everything that I hate, it'd be quite long.
SIXTEEN- do you like to watch MTV: No.
SEVENTEEN- what annoys you: When people don't reply. Be it sms, msn or whatever.
EIGHTEEN- where you living at: A flat in Yishun. Haze and Haz says it's big. o.O
NINETEEN- when did anyone last ask for your number: I can't recall.
TWENTY- what's your favourite pet: Kitty! Mrs Wong is so lucky. ;p
TWENTYONE- where's the place you wanna go now: The rink in Kallang.
TWENTYTWO- do you like sweet talks: Only if they mean it.
TWENTYTHREE- would you mind your girlfriend who's a gangster: YES.
TWENTYFOUR- would you mind your girlfriend's body's full of tattoo: o.O;;
TWENTYFIVE- what's your real name: Sarah Lee. I'm rather fond of it. XD
TWENTYSIX- what's your favourite month: Feb and Dec.
TWENTYSEVEN- have you ever been stung by a bee: Nope, but I know someone who has. ;p
TWENTYEIGHT- will you post bulletin as when you like: No.
TWENTYNINE- whose the last person you hug: Geelyn. Sort of.
THIRTY- whose the last person you said 'I Love You' to: I can't recall.

12:29 pm

No, I'm not playing truant. It's E-Learning Day. Heh.

I recall that around this time last year, I wrote a poem for no reason at all and one of my dear friends put in up in her blog. Note that I composed it last year, and it was about what was happening to me then. The last part of the poem was something that I felt might happen in the future, and turns out, it did happen. It's happening to me now. (And t's not a good thing.)

Remember when I said I was afraid of finding out something? Well, I'm pretty much sure I know what it is already. Though, I don't have any decisive evidence. But there are some things you just know by observing. Sometimes, one sees more than others give credit for.

I can't take all the credit for myself though. I confided in my good friend all the information that I have collected through my analysis and observations, and she concluded what I have already suspected. Her conclusion just reinforced what I felt was happening.

I know it already. All I want now is for the source itself to confirm with me.

I should be angry with what I know, but I'm not. I'm just sad.

9:44 am

Tuesday 25 March 2008

I can't believe I didn't realise it earlier. I was so wrapped up in my own misery and self-pity that I became blind to what is actually the truth. D:

But...what if I am mistaken? What if I 'realised' it wrongly? Like, what if this 'truth' isn't really true? Am I really mistaken? Am I wrong about it? Or am I correct about my assumption? Then again, I am only just assuming...

I don't know anymore. Things would be so much simpler if someone would just come up to me and tell me everything I want to know. But answers don't come so easily, do they? You have to find them yourself. To find answers, you have to go to the right source.

I am too much of a coward to go to that source. Maybe because I am afraid of what I would find out. Can I bear the disappointment if it's not what I want to hear?


Strange that how I was so cheerful in my previous post today, and now I'm embroiled in my own inner conflict.


"There is never any turning back. You have to go forward. Make the future yours." - Kartik, The Sweet Far Thing

6:21 pm

For photos on the 4L1 excursion to the S'pore Botanical Gardens, view my GALLERY section on the left side of this blog. ((:

Decided to put all of them in Photobucket as it'd take a massive long time for me to upload them all here. u.u


Next week will certainly be a fabulous one. XDD Why? Come and take a look at my school schedule for next week:

  • MON: Attend guys' fencing competition = Miss lessons.
  • TUES: School as per normal.
  • WED: School as per normal.
  • THURS: Attend girls' team fencing competition = Miss lessons.
  • FRI: Sports Carnival. = No lessons (though sadly, I'll be taking part >.>;;)

See why I'll love next week? ;D

5:04 pm

Saturday 22 March 2008

Today was the first time I went to the Singapore Botanical Gardens, and I must say it is certainly a lovely and picturesque place. (: The best place of all had to be the National Orchid Garden. It was so beautiful~ <3

Will post photos of today's class excursion some other time as there are quite many (dozens, in fact) and yes, I confess I am feeling rather lazy today and I have no patience to do so right now.

Today, something unexpected happened that made me smile. Well, to be specific, my second favourite person in the whole world made me smile. And I was very much amused as well. Maybe there is something left after all, something to salvage among the debris that I've caused.

And I know I've been pessimistic lately, but I forget how easily I can get optimistic again as well. All it takes...is a loved one. (:

Oh, and Benjamin just informed me the countries allocated to BPGHS for this year's RMUN (Raffles Model United Nations Conference, in case you've forgotten). I would've liked to take part again this year, but...well, let's say it's just not advisable.

To the person who will represent BPGHS in Press Corps: You better win something as I and my predecessor had done during our RMUN days! XD Okay, I'm joking. Or not. =x

7:35 pm

Friday 21 March 2008

I'd really like to blog as often as Geelyn does. Even though I know no one's really reading this, it does feel like some sort of a diary, the traditional book type which you write your daily events and just express yourself whenever you feel like it.

I fear that I'm losing something that I won't get back again. There's a saying: "You can't lose something you've never had"; but I'm sure I had this a long time ago. (okay, so maybe it wasn't THAT long...) I feel that it's my fault I'm losing it; but then again, it's also just drifting away from me. I'm losing it because it tires of me. Maybe I am just undeserving of it in the first place.

My efforts to recover it has yet to bear any fruit at all. Maybe it is pointless. But then again... I was once inspired and motivated by a friend to just keep on trying to get it back. I hope this motivation will last a bit longer...because I feel that I'm on the verge of giving up.

Yet... I'd hate myself if I do give up. I don't really want to lose it....but what can I do if it doesn't want me anymore? You can't force it, you can only hope to influence it.

If you don't understand what I'm saying, it's alright; it's not meant for you to understand anyway. I should handle my own losses, after all.





I should really post happier things next time. u.u

3:47 pm

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Am now in a blogging mood. Better pour everything out before my mood goes awry again.



My sister and I watched the Japanese romantic teen movie Sky of Love at Causeway Point during the recent March hols (on Thurs, to be specific). While most of the time the movie either made me go "Aww..." or have this WTF? expression on my face, it's still a sweet movie with plenty of fluff and yeah, it did made me cry. (Thank god I went with my sis. Would've been mortifying for anyone else to see me cry. XD)

And, we also went to see The Spiderwick Chronicles a day after Sky of Love. IT WAS AWESOME. One of the best novel-to-film movie I've ever seen. :D The book was very nice, and the film did it justice as well, so I was satisfied. And... let's just say I've found my new favourite actor. ;DDD Heh.

Now I am SO psyched to go watch The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian that will come out later this year. 8D The trailer was so enthralling~



Just did the Five Items this week. Landed A for everything except Sit & Reach. Can I not help it that I am so un-flexible? D: That item just cost me such an ugly grade next to the rest of my As. (Geez, I do sound rather unmodest, don't I? ><) Well, I'll gladly leave flexibility to the Caroline Zhangs and Mirai Nagasus of the world. u.u

I jumped better this year though (for standing broad jump). :DDD I must say that credit goes to fencing. :D All those double-double jumps and lunges we were made to do did have some benefit outside my cca after all. ^^v

However, all those Cadbury I so sinfully indulged on this past March hols did have a negative after effect after all. ): It slowed me down quite a bit for this year's shuttle run. Still, my timing wasn't that unsatisfactory. Just 10.5 seconds. >.>



Yes, that's right. The event will take place on 18 November, five days after my last O Level paper, which also so happens to be on my sister's birthday. I do wish more people would attend it, though. What fun is a social function if such an unsatisfactory number of people show up? ):

I've made a pledge with a few of my friends (like Geelyn, for one) to attend our senior prom. I don't know why I want to go for it; heck, I couldn't even enjoy myself properly for RMUN's Dinner & Dance. Maybe because it is, after all, the last year I'll be with my dearest of friends in BPGHS. Might as well end the year with a bang (of course, not literally XD).

9:33 pm

Tuesday 11 March 2008


  • Complete A Maths exercises. Only one left. :3
  • Do online A Maths online tests. Undone.
  • Do E Maths online tests. Undone.
  • Do HMT worksheet. DONE! :D
  • Do Econs assignment. DONE! :D
  • Revise Econs. Done a little.
  • Study/revise Bio for test. Done a little.
  • Do Bio worksheet on plant reproduction. DONE! :D
  • Do Bio worksheets on human reproduction. DONE! :D
  • Study for Chem test. Undone.
  • LESS SLACKING. (like that's ever gonna happen. XD)

- Updated on 19/3/08 -


And, here's a Happy 16th Birthday to Geelyn, one of my dearest friends ever. (:

2:04 pm

Sunday 2 March 2008

Urgh. I just don't feel like taking part in School Division (for fencing I mean). Why bother sending me for competition anyway? It's hopeless.

Been feeling awfully pessimistic lately.

And I've been blogging short posts too. Don't worry, I'd write longer next time. Maybe. Just maybe.

8:49 pm